Who is marcia gay harden

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She is the youngest of four siblings, with three sisters and one brother. Harden was born in La Jolla, California, to Texas natives Beverly Harden, a homemaker, and Thad Harold Harden (1932–2002), a United States Navy lieutenant. Other significant television appearances for Harden include Dr Leanne Rorish and attorney Rebecca Halliday in HBO Aaron Sorkin drama The Newsroom. In addition, harden received her second Primetime Emmy nomination for her role in a television film. In 2009, she came back to Broadway as Veronica. Harden made her Broadway debut in 1993, appearing in Angels in America, for which she received a Tony Award nomination. Her other prominent film roles include American Gun, The Mist and Into the Wild, and The Mist and Into the Wild. She was nominated for another Academy Award for her role as Celeste Boyle.

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She earned the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2000 for her portrayal of artist Lee Krasner in the film Pollock.

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She went on to appear in films such as Used People, Flubber and The First Wives Club. Miller’s Crossing, directed by the Coen brothers in 1990, was her breakout picture. Marcia Gay Harden is a beautiful American actress, and she was born on August 14, 1959.

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